Friday, February 26, 2021

Is daycare better than staying home?


It is a critical situation when both parents are working out of home and they are worried about the child whether to stay at home or leave him at daycare. The confusion rises to know what the best interest of their kids is but that’s true also that kids develop better socially and mature in child care San Diego. Whereas some people think that they are well-nurtured at home under their parent’s supervision.


Depending on the financial condition or parents it is decided where to keep the kid whether to daycare or home. Some people cannot afford to stay home and take care of the baby while some families put the child in daycare when both are working. In the last census in America, it was reported around 7 or 8 percent of family income is spenton child care as the cost of daycare has been doubled.

Another thingthat matters to make a decision is the distance of the daycare from the house you are living in if it's too far then parents may be reluctant. The other factor could be emotional that you cannot leave your child alone at home or daycare.


-Daycare enhances the child’s abilities in a wonderful environment and valuable enrichment activities in art, games, and nature.

-It helps in increasing intellect, social skills, and cognitive skills.

-Usually, high-quality daycare tends to score higher grades when comparing both academic achievements.

-Daycare increase confidence and make them independent who want to learn several things at the time.

-While staying at home creates a parent-child bonding, security, confidence, love, and happy moments in his environment.


As far as both conditions have benefits but don’t forget that there are some drawbacks such as a child can get cold in daycare or exposed to germs than stay-at-home.The child has to stay away from home in daycare for many hours so he may get bored, tired, or frustrated,or even less interaction with their mother. If you keep the children at home they may not be able to learn social skills at an early age and may not fast mature or may suffer from separation.

Societal Issues

There are some traditions in some regions that a mother should take care of and raise the kid by spending time at home with him. Whereas on the other hand, some say that both the parent should be working to run the house or staying at home can make them lazy and aimless. Since children require early socialization and education that isn’t possible while staying at home.


There is another solution of working or staying home, that is the compromise and do the part-time job so the child will be at daycare for a limited time.


Infant daycare in San Diego is necessary for the development of the kid mentally as well as physically but when the societal pressure puts weight on both parents they make the decision accordingly.